Table of Contents

Download & Install (source code)

System requirements

What do I need ?

(program libraries)

(model data, to apply RegMAS over your own region)

Obtaining regmas (download)

To download the source code:

To download third party tools:


To compile and run RegMAS (Linux):

 cd regmas
 qmake (or qmake-qt4 on some Linux distros)

To compile and run RegMAS (Windows):
Open the Qt Command Prompt from the Start Menu→ Programs → Qt
Browse to the directory you downloaded RegMAS

 make release
1) If Glpk is compiled with GNU MP (GNU multiple precision arithmetic library) enabled the model run much faster
2) A precompiled, GMP enabled, version of glpk for windows is already provided in the CVS
3) Windows users: downloading version qt-win-opensource-4.2.x-mingw.exe is enough. The installation asks you if you already have a MinGW C++ compiler (e.g. those shipped with Dev-C++), otherwise it is downloaded automatically.
Linux users: Please check that you have the libqt4.x.x-dev package installed.