regmas model:agentsbehaviour 2014-11-06T13:51:36+01:00 regmas text/html 2007-10-15T15:53:20+01:00 model:agentsbehaviour:finance Introduction The basic idea is that investment require liquidity, and liquidity can be obtained using open-credit line that can grow up to a model-fixed share of the capital (e.g. 80%). Each year the farmer optimize the quantity of money to ask from the bank. There isn't a end-term to give back the money. The limit is as share of the capital. text/html 2007-08-27T15:14:36+01:00 model:agentsbehaviour:space_mip [DTM Colli Esini] A great difference with AgriPoliS is that the MIP is spatially explicit. So it will be composed of the following activities: * spacial explicit activities * plot numbers * spacial explicit investments * suitable plots * other spacial implicit activities * other spacial implicit investments