regmas model:other 2014-11-06T13:51:43+01:00 regmas text/html 2007-12-10T12:03:53+01:00 model:other:flowchart See also a graphical version here. Init stage * RegData::setDefaultSettings() * RegData::setScenarioSettings() * RegData::setResources() * RegData::setDefaultActivities() * RegData::setScenarioActivities(); * RegData::setObjectsDefinitions() * Gis::setSpace() * Manager_farmers::setAgentMoulds() * Manager_farmers::populateAgents() * Manager_farmers::locate() * Manager_farmers::assignObjectsToAgents() * Manager_farmers::assignSpatialObjectsToAgents() * Manager_farmers:… text/html 2007-07-24T10:19:28+01:00 model:other:rentingsystem Plots assignment Plots are assigned to agents on a auction where individual farmers bid according to their shadow price. Farmers calculate the profit they would have without that specific plot and compare it with the profit they would achieve with the bidding plot. The difference in profit is the shadow price, that become the bid offer once adjusted by a couple of parameters to take into account fixed and variable negotiation costs and overheads. text/html 2014-05-11T15:38:09+01:00 model:other:subregion As the model require a considerable period of time to execute on a region large enought to catch the eterogeneyty of agricultural systems, rought calibration can be performed on a sub region, controlled with the parameters subRegionMode, subRegionXLeft, subRegionXRight, subRegionYTop and subRegionYBottom within the main or scenario setting sheet. text/html 2007-08-01T12:17:42+01:00 model:other:time In RegMAS every main loop is a “tick” over the time dimension, currently 1 year long. Most objects have a time counter, specifying the time remaining till the object, or some of its proprieties, will go out of scope. The tick in the manager_farmer is applied on the update() function, and just after that, objects time counter are compared to allow destroying of the objects when their time counter become equal to zero. This imply that during normal model simulation all objects have a time counte… text/html 2014-05-11T15:38:09+01:00 model:other:upscaling The procedure to adapt the data of a region for simulation with RegMAS is called upscaling and it is covered in the User Manual. The match between individual-agents data and the region as a whole can be made using the Excel solver, like shown on this figure: