regmas project 2014-11-06T13:48:50+01:00 regmas text/html 2008-06-04T09:50:00+01:00 project:bibliographic_journals International journals European review of Agricultural Economics DescriptionThe European Review of Agricultural Economics is now firmly established as the pre-eminent forum for the discussion and dissemination of theoretical and applied agricultural economics research in Europe, with a readership that extends worldwide. The Review covers a wide range of topics within and related to agricultural economics. Topic areas include, for example: production economics and farm management, agricultural … text/html 2009-10-09T09:09:02+01:00 project:bibliographic_papers The following entries are in BibTeX format for easy inclusion in papers. Agent-based modeling in the social sciences @incollection{Arthur:2006, author = {Arthur, W. B.}, title = {Out-of-Equilibrium Economics and Agent-Based Modeling}, chapter={32}, booktitle = {Handbook of Computational Economics}, volume = {2}, pages = {1551-1564}, publisher = {Elsevier}, year = {2006}, url = {}, keywor… text/html 2007-06-12T22:26:10+01:00 project:data_sources The following organizations own data that can be used within RegMAS: - EU Commission, EUROSTAT on-line data explorer - EU Commission, Farm Accountancy Data Network - ISTAT, 5th agricultural census data - EAA, European Environmental Agency dataservice text/html 2007-06-13T12:59:23+01:00 project:start Tools to be used within regmas: * Tools evaluation Bibliographic collection: * Individual selected papers * Journals * Data sources text/html 2007-07-31T16:06:23+01:00 project:tools Agent-based frameworks Selected: none Rejected ideas: * swarm - Old, odd and low-performance language (C-Object), decreasing trend. + large user community, * repast - Much fewer user base, lack documentation (tutorials, how-to, API), java: still not best in performance and difficulties in linking with C libraries + more “modern approach”, used by many computational economists, GIS module, XML capability by default in java, multiplatform;