regmas model:output 2014-11-06T13:52:10+01:00 regmas text/html 2014-05-11T15:38:09+01:00 model:output:maps Spatial data variables are exported as maps, one for each year, in Grass ASCII Grid or ArcInfo ASCII Grid format (both very similar). Together with the map a grass classification legend and a color legend is created (we use grass for display and/or analyse the data). text/html 2007-10-09T16:23:58+01:00 model:output:nviz If a Digital Terrain Model (DTM) of the study-area is available, outputed maps can be “pasted” over it giving a very impressive view of what it is happening in the area. The following example show the Corine Land cover map applied to the DTM of the Colli Esini: