regmas program 2014-11-06T13:47:56+01:00 regmas text/html 2009-04-07T12:24:12+01:00 program:download 30.September.2008 RegMAS 1.3 is out :-) Precompiled binaries (MS Windows only) Download from - this is the version you most likely want Source Code (MS Windows/Linux) See "Download & install" (latest version) text/html 2008-08-01T17:46:04+01:00 program:download_install_source_code System requirements What do I need ? (program libraries) * a pc with Linux or Windows (porting to Mac should be easy) * a C++ compiler and compiler tools (only tested with GCC) * GLPK (v. >= 4.19), a GPL linear programming solver * Qt, a multiplatform C++ GUI framework * OpenOffice, an Office suite (optional, to use the shipped example data and convert them in XML) text/html 2008-07-31T17:29:20+01:00 program:start Thank you for your interest in RegMAS ! RegMAS is free software. You can (and you are invited to) use it, copy it and make modifications to improve or correct it according to your needs. As RegMAS is developed by people with backgrounds on economics and passion on computer coding, it is far from being an elegant, well-coded program. Any suggestion to improve it or to better “code” it is very welcome !